Your Brand Essence is...

The Compassionate Earth Brand

You are rooted in nature with your down-to-earth style, and your connection to majestic abundance. You draw inspiration from a wide variety of places whether it’s in a natural gemstone created by Mother Nature herself, or in the way a weathered barn board can be repurposed into a functional item of beauty for your home.

On a spiritual level, you have the innate ability to find deeper meaning that fulfills a higher need, even though you may not always tap into your intuitive side. Allowing that aspect of yourself to flourish into more aspects of your business will greatly magnetize your brand essence.

If you’re well-practiced in the realm of intuition, then you know that this gem of a skill not only guides you along your way, but offers others hope on their journey. Growing this valuable asset to a fully amplified, brand-level, offering will solidify your brand presence and attract your ideal customers.

Your deepened respect for the earth prompts you to create in a way that is attuned to nature, offering thoughtful products that align with your values. Connecting your brand with something greater such as a passionate cause, elevates your brand position while reinforcing the abundance which is founded in tithing and conscious gratitude.

Your loaded with potential in and destined to go far with a meaningful brand. Your love for natural beauty will aid you in writing copy that resonates with your ideal customers. Your Achilles’ heel? You sometimes don’t allow your full express to come through, finding your unique voice that translates into coming into your own with all that you have to offer.

How to Build Your Magnetic Brand Essence…

Do more of you and do it well! It’s all about amplification. What seems obvious to you, isn’t necessarily apparent to your potential customers. Take time to examine all your values, your untapped gifts, and the inspiration that ignites passion within you. Make a list of all these treasures and let that spill into all that you do. Allow it to permeate throughout your entire collection and all aspects of your business. The following are some areas to apply what is intrinsically you, into your brand:

Your website’s look and feel
Your product descriptions
Your sign-up form
Your about page
Your newsletter or email communications
Your blog posts
Your social media posts

It doesn’t all have to happen at once. Address one area in which to start and leave no stone unturned. As you achieve that feeling of satisfaction with each step, you’ll start to see the other areas in which you can strengthen all that is inherently an extension of YOU... The Compassionate Earth Brand Essence.

What to Include in Your Product Descriptions…

Keep your visitors engaged by speaking to that one perfectly matched customer on a level that resonates more deeply. Yes, it’s vital to include product details that answer your visitors’ questions such as size, weight etc., but save those details for the second half of your description copy and reserve emotionally engaging descriptions for the top.

Here’s where you want to engage your visitors and help them to experience how your pieces will make them feel. Write for the heart and write to address deeper needs. This could include descriptive copy on how to wear, or pair, the items, the benefits of the items, or how the product feels to the touch.

Whenever possible, include symbolic meaning, energetic properties, or sentiments of the heart. Accentuate those benefits by using the language that speaks your brand, and appeals to your ideal buyer.

Emotional and Relevant Words:

Eco Friendly
Energy Healing
Giving Back
Spiritual Journey

Use adjectives and verbs that convey beauty, feeling, or qualities that are notable and enticing such as the way Labradorite glows like a celestial light captured in its naturally luminous layers, or how it enhances and stimulates intuition.

Recommended Book for Descriptive Copywriting:

Words That Sell by Richard Bayan

What to do when you feel stuck or overwhelmed...

You instinctively know which area of your business needs some TLC. You can conquer the feeling of overwhelm and analysis paralysis by choosing one thing. You don’t, nor shouldn’t you, focus on too many areas at once. Start with that one thing you could be doing next, whether it’s building out your collection, improving your photos, or getting your website up-and-running.

Small-bite goals will have you feeling accomplished and motivated in no time flat when you focus on achieving those goals only, and then reward yourself with some well-deserved acknowledgment.

Soon you’ll start to see momentum and you’ll open the floodgate of inspiration. Address one goal... just one. That focus alone will kick-start your abilities to SEE. It’s all about seeing, because my friend, we ALL... don’t know what we don’t know. It is only by taking that first step into the light that we learn to ask the questions that need asking, and then we can start finding the answers that lead us to even better questions.

You have the ability to connect with your natural world and draw inspiration that makes your work unlike any other. You’re rooted in the earth and your designs are the extension of what matters to you most. Never divorce yourself from the unique makeup of qualities that belong only to you. You are the Compassionate Earth Brand ❤️ Connected and brilliant.

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